Why place what is actually a sporting event in the Art/Culture section? Because the first Games did more than just pit teams from several islands against each other in a spirit of sporting competition, it re-established links between islands, links that have been withering for years. Ironically, people used to visit other islands much more often before, when there were no outboard engines or daily ferry lines. The first Island Games brought people from Kaprije to see their relatives in Luka, Zlarin once again played host to Šepurina, people from Krapanj went to Zirje. Jam-packed boats carried people to every meet.

After the success of the first ones, next year's Games were eagerly awaited. As the winners of last year's competition, Luka was to host the final night of this year's Games. As the final day drew near, Luka picked up its usually sedate pace, in preparation of the spectacle.

Here we go!

Packed ships.
Concept art by Tony Buhin: The Written Word.

Tournaments in bocce and card games came first.
Then waterpolo, soccer and other disciplines.

In its long history, only rare occasions brought so many people to Luka. Many don't even remember the last time it was this full of people.

The high point of the competition was the tug-of-war. The competition between teams was fierce, but in the end, the burly lads of Luka simply mopped the floor with everyone else, scoring an undisputable victory.


The competition between teams was fierce, but in the end, the burly lads of Luka simply mopped the floor with everyone else, scoring an undisputable victory.

The entire bay of Luka was lined with flares for the occasion, and in addition, each team lit their own flares and torches in celebration.
The reading of the overall score (and the awarding of some sort of ornamental ladders by Tony Buhin). The overall winners were the teams from Kaprije. Congratulations!
The after-game party started off with a group of local folk music enthusiasts, "Standarac," and their rendition of several traditional Dalmatian songs, after which the Orange band took over and played until the early morning.

Even though the ships that took celebrating teams and spectators back to their islands were delayed several times, they departed too early for some, and at dawn, some revelers could still be heard wandering around.

Thanks to Luka for the excellent organization of the event and a great evening!



© Copyright Bosko Lucev