One of the major geographical advantages of the island Prvic is its harbor in Prvic Luka. A secluded bay, it is known and favoured among yachtsmen. Shielded from most winds, it is often filled with ships waiting out a storm or an unfavourable wind, or more often simply staying there overnight on their way along the coast. The local restaurants are a welcome change from the ship's food selection, usually comprised of canned goods and toast. |
Charter sailing faces the problem of where to stay overnight, and a quiet little port allows you to brave the winds and currents during the day, and stretch your legs and sit down to a nice dinner in the evening.
When finding a place to drop anchor, winds are a major concern.
Dropping anchor sheltered in Luka's bay, however, summer squalls and flash storms are more of an after-dinner spectacle, and not a threat. |
In fair weather you can also drop anchor outside the bay.
The town of Prvic Luka itself is a glimpse into the past and of a Mediterranean as it once was. Relax and enjoy the peace of a summer's day, the buzz of crickets, or the gentle hum of Luka's everiday life. |
