WLAN internet/hotspots zastave  
















People accustomed to easy Internet access in their everyday life are not inclined to fortfeit such a commodity, even when vacationing somewhere "far from the stress and hectic of everiday life". Setting up an Internet access point would increase the appeal of Prviæ as a summer destinatio

The usual Internet access option, a cyber caffe, would be too expensive to set up and manage, and would have very limited capacity. Most users see an Internet caffe as a last resort.

A wireless network access point (a WLAN "hotspot") would be easier and cheaper to set up, and would attract high profile users. By advertising such a service, the marina of Luka could attract much attention. This service in itself would not generate profit, but would attract tourists, thus creating revenue for other services.

The trend of offering wireless network access is still in its early stages, and it would be good to get ahead of the game. For once.

At the moment broadband ADSL is best solution.

Map of the town with suggested hotspot placement. Up for discussions and suggested alternatives.

The technical setup for a dial-up/ISDN/ADSL access point, based on the T-com stock prices.

Idea by Bosko Lucev.


© Copyright Bosko Lucev bosko.lucev@zg.t-com.hr